Saturday, May 9, 2009

Year in Review

This past year has been a crazy one. As most of you know, many things in our lives have drastically changed recently. The one thing in life that seems constant is change. Life doesn't slow down for anyone or anything. We have to try to push through it and take one day at a time. The kids are adjusting as best as they can (like us.) One thing is for certain...Lilly and Austin are truly a blessing to us. When our lives seem like they've been turned upside down, all we have to do is look at the smiles on their little faces to bring a bit of cheer back to us. They are what we live for each day.

Happy 1st Birthday!!

Austin was ready for his first taste of cake.

Lilly just did not want to wear her birthday hat. (She's pretty good at throwing fits nowadays.)

Lilly wasn't too sure about the strawberry cupcake, but she seemed to like the chocolate.

Austin mainly liked the icing.

They were pretty worn out by the time the party was winding down.

All in all, I think they're 1st Birthday Party was a success. :o)