Friday, November 19, 2010

Santa Visit

A year can make a big difference when dealing with Santa Claus...

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2010

Yes, I know it's before Thanksgiving and we already took our kids to see Santa.  I promise we won't turn our Christmas lights on or put up our tree until AFTER Thanksgiving. :o)

We weren't sure how it would go, so we thought we'd do an early 'trial run' given the way they acted with him last year. To our surprise, they loved him!  The most talked about item on their wish list...Mickey and Minnie Mouse ears.  (Not sure where that came from, out of the blue really.)  And of course your standard Toy Story 3 and candy for Austin and a baby doll named Emma and one princess for Lil (yes, she is very specific in her requests.)

We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! :o)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Random Pictures

The kids LOVE 'helping' me make dinner (on the nights I actually make dinner and not just pull something out of the freezer and stick it in the oven.) :o)  Below they're helping me mix the cheeses for lasagna...I know this looks like popcorn.  We don't regularly eat popcorn for dinner, but I won't say that's never happened.

Lilly likes being goofy if you didn't already know. Here she is in her baby doll's pack-n-play...

Lilly has an infatuation with baby dolls...and names them all Emma.  This is not her complete collection.

And here's her real baby...Maggy.  Our littlest, calmest, sweetest dog Maggy is Lilly's dog.  Lilly is almost always concerned with where Maggy is and often demands that she's by her side.  She will sit with Maggy on her lap, content as can be for a solid 30 minutes.  (I know 30 minutes may not sound like a lot, but for Lil, that's a long time to be in one place!)

And here's Austin.  I know the lighting isn't the best in this picture, but he just looks so much older in this one. 

We're all doing pretty well.  We're trying to tackle the potty training thing.  It's sporadic at this point, but I think they're catching on to the concept.  Wish us luck!  We can't wait to get rid of diapers!!! :o)