Sunday, May 8, 2011


Lilly got a little bashful once everyone started singing to them and wouldn't blow out her candle.
They didn't seem to have any problem eating their cupcakes.

A look back...

Brand new babies

1st Birthday

2nd Birthday

2nd Birthday

Silly Faces


Cowboy Austin and Cowgirl Lilly

Super Kids!

Hey Batter Batter!!

Austin's been hitting pretty well when Dustin pitches to him.  He's pretty athletic when it comes to sports so far.  (Granted, he's only 3, but he has a knack for sports.)  

Lilly, on the other hand, is not really what you would call coordinated when it comes to anything athletic. :o)


Austin & Lil

Austin has a new found interest in croquet.
And Lil is still very into Maggy...even sharing her car seat with her on a recent car ride.

Fun at Grandma Jan's

In Control

As with most things in their relationship, Lilly's in the driver's seat while Austin is content (most of the time) being a passenger.


The kids had a blast when we took them bowling for the first time. 

In true, Miss Independent Lilly fashion, she insisted on carrying the ball and rolling it herself. 

Austin accepted some assistance, but couldn't let his sister show him up in strength. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Frost, in May

The kids were very confused by the frost on the ground this morning.  I mean, we are in Indiana, but its May for cryin' out loud!!!  We should not have frost in May!  But I digress...

As I opened the garage door this morning to load the kids in the car and head for daycare, they both quickly noticed the frost on the ground.

Lilly: "It snowed?!"
Austin: "It's cold."
Me: "No, it didn't snow.  It's called frost."
Lilly: "I think I heard it snow last night."
Me: "No you didn't.  It's not snow, it's frost.  Frost doesn't make a sound."
Lilly: "Yeah, frost is laying on the ground.  I didn't hear frost because it's sleeping on the ground."
Austin: "Can we make a snowman?"

On a side note: I promise I'll post more pictures really soon. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Austin: "I was yelling at them."
Lilly: "Who?"
Austin: "My socks! They were fighting with each other!"
Me: "Your socks were fighting with each other?"
Austin: "Yes! They both wanted the basketball and were fighting over it so I took it away from them. And now they are sad."
(Same scenario as earlier in the morning except it was Lilly and Austin fighting over the basketball and I took it from them.)
Lilly: "Oh, well I'm not wearing socks today either because mine are fighting over my blanket."

Oh, the mind of a 3 year old! It's never dull around here!