Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Relay for Life

For the last 5 years, Dustin and I have participated in the Relay for Life event supporting the American Cancer Society. This being their first year, the kids seemed to have a good time. The Duke Energy team theme was Star Wars..."may the force be with us to find a cure." (Clever, I know.)

Lilly and Austin enjoyed playing with the light sabers most of the day.

As you can see, we wore them out by mid-day.

We even talked cousin Brian into being the "Miss Relay" for our team. (Each team has a man dressed like a woman walk around the track. The wo-man that collects the most money wins. All money collected goes to the American Cancer Society. What a good sport!!)

All in all, the event was fun and so far our team has raised about $16,000 for the American Cancer Society.

~Side note: there's still time to donate! There's a link to the donation page in the top left corner of the blog screen. Feel free to check out our sight and donate! :o)

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