As soon as we arrived, Lilly and Austin warmed right up to everyone. (I'm sure they were glad to be out of the car! They were so great on the way down...they didn't get out of their carseats once in the 16 hour drive. We drove through the night hoping the kids would make it at least half way before having a melt down. We were very pleasantly surprised that they made it all the way through in great moods!)
Uncle Mark bonded with the kids (especially Austin) when they came to stay with us over Christmas last year. They were glad to see him again...
Since we were going to Florida, it was only natural that the kids insisted we bring their lawn chairs...
One of the very first things we did was make a trip to Wal-Mart. Since we crammed all 4 kids, 2 adults, 3 DVD players, a small cooler, a couple bags full of snacks, 4 pillows, 3 blankets and all luggage into one vehicle, we only took what was necessary for the trip down. (When you're traveling with small children, there is so much you feel like you need to have...diapers, wipes, sippy cups, snacks, juice, milk, etc.) We needed to stock up for the week.
And yes, this is a picture of my child, in a Wal-Mart shopping cart, eating McDonald's french fries. Sometimes you resort to whatever will make the child calm while you do what you need to do. :o)
Easter Egg Hunt
Aunt Kathy signed the kids up for the annual Easter Egg Hunt at her church. Other than the family Easter Egg Hunt each year at the Alyea Farm, this was the kids' first organized hunt. They had fun...
If anyone knows Lilly, they know that she's very independent most of the time. She had no problem going and picking up all the eggs she saw laying on the ground. 
Austin, on the other hand, wasn't so sure why he had to pick up the mess of eggs just laying on the ground at the playground. He quickly caught on after Uncle Mark showed him that there was candy in all the eggs...
After the hunt, we had lunch in the gym. The kids loved being showed off by Aunt Kathy to all her kids and co-workers at the church...
We went home to rest and play the rest of the afternoon. This is Austin's CHEESE face if you couldn't tell...
Lil discovered that some of the eggs even had Dora stickers in them. I'm sure she had some help from Kenzie and Shelbie on the placement of her stickers...cute nonetheless.

One afternoon, we had a day at the park. The kids were a little intimidated by the playground at first, so Papaw had to join them on the slide...
Trip to the Mall
Another day, we decided to just relax and hang out at the mall with the kids. My cousin Kindie and I gave the other adults a break from the children and took them to the mall to the indoor playground.
Kenzie and Shelbie gave Austin a mohawk...
They had Dip n Dots for the first time and obviously enjoyed them...
A couple evenings, we enjoyed some wonderful Italian Ice. I discovered my love for Jeremiah's Italian Gelati's...yummm! I think the kids loved them almost as much as I did...
Cocoa Beach
The weather was perfect for a day at the beach. The sun was warm and the breeze off the ocean was just enough to take the edge off the heat. The water was freezing, but Kenzie, Shelbie and Papaw were true non-Floridians. Their mentality was, "I don't get to come to the beach very often so I don't care how cold it is...I'm getting in!"
Lilly and Austin had never felt sand under their feet before...they HATED it at first. It didn't take long for Austin to get used to it. Lilly, on the other hand, didn't take her shoes off the entire day. It took some convincing from Aunt Kathy to let her know it was ok and even fun to play in the sand.
Austin enjoyed being on Papaw's shoulders while Papaw had his feet in the water. That was about as far as he would go. Lilly wouldn't go anywhere near the water...surprise.
Pool Fun
Lilly wouldn't go anywhere close to the pool until the last day. She would even get really upset when she saw other people jumping in the water...she spent a lot of time playing on the porch. She finally played by the pool with some containers from the kitchen. (She's quite the organizer these days...notice all the containers lined up in a neat row.)
Austin LOVED playing near the water. He didn't want to get in, but he loved to push people in, throw the balls in and even be splashed...
We missed Dustin a ton all week, but it was great to get away for a bit and enjoy the Florida weather!
Sorry it took me so long to get these posted. :o)
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