Friday, June 27, 2008


Sleep is a precious commodity around our house. We try to nap while the kids sleep if we get the chance.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Itty Bitty Babies

Compared to Cousin Conrad, Lilly and Austin still look itty bitty.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I gotta wear shades

Lilly and Austin are ready for summer!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bath time

Austin was not a happy camper during his first bath.

Neither was Lilly.

Getting bigger already

Lilly and Austin are gaining weight and filling out. At our recent doctor's visit, Austin weighed almost 9lb and Lilly weighed almost 8lb.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Many faces

Lilly is already notorious for making silly faces. Here are a few that Dustin was able to catch on camera.

Austin generally has a serious face. Every once in a while, we'll be able to catch a smile on him.

We're home!

We were able to come home 7 days after the kids were born. We were thrilled!

Lilly and Austin love sleeping together. They rarely sleep apart.

As Dustin walked by to check on Austin, he caught him in this pose.

Lilly doing what she does best...

They have arrived!

Lilly and Austin arrived 6 weeks early on Friday, May 9th.

Lilly Noel - 1:42pm, 5lb 3oz, 19 inches

Austin Andrew - 1:43pm, 6lb, 20 inches