Sunday, October 26, 2008


Christmas shopping

We took the kids Christmas shopping with us today. I'm happy to say that they get as excited as I do when it comes to Christmas shopping!! :o)

Picture taking

It isn't very easy to get a picture of both of them together with decent looks on their faces at the same time...

Pumpkin Patch

As you can see from Lilly's face, she was really excited to go to the pumpkin patch!

Austin wasn't as excited.

Hand holding

Occasionally we'll lay Austin and Lilly on the floor together. We often see them grabbing each other's hands. In reality, they probably are just grabbing what ever they can find, but we like to think they like each other. :o)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Sassy and Maggy have been "starving for attention" now that they have to share the spotlight. I was folding clothes on the floor last night, and Sassy sat right in front of me in the middle of the piles. She let me cover her with socks; she even got up and walked around with them on her back. Our dogs will do just about anything for attention at this point. :o)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


isn't as much of a camera hog as his sister. Any time he sees you pointing the camera at him, he immediately stops what he's doing. We have a lot of pictures of him sleeping. :o)

Here he is enjoying the bumbo seat.


in her Colt's jersey.

trying to figure out what she's holding.

after she figured out it was something fun.

in her lion towel after her bath.

sucking on her fingers (her new favorite thing to do.)

Sneaky Lilly

So this is what happens when you're trying to get some footage of one kid rolling over for the first time and the other kid is yelling for your attention. During the couple seconds I moved the camera over to Austin, Lilly decided to roll over...sneaky little girl.