Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kids say the darndest things

Austin: "Daddy, you crazy!"

(Austin and I recently became very hoarse after a cold.)
Lilly: "Mommy, why's bubba talkin like that?"
Me: "He's talking like me because we've been sick."
Lilly: "Oh. You guys is talkin crazy."

Me: "Austin, please don't mess with that."
Lilly: "Mom, want me go take it away from him?"
Me: "No thanks Lil. I got it."
Lilly: "Want me spank his bottom?"
Me: "No thanks Lil."

Lilly: "Mom! I dropped my ring!"
Me: (calmly) "Well just get down and get it."
Lilly: "Ok."
5 seconds later...
Lilly: "I got it mom. Stop freakin out."

Lilly: "Daddy, u want a haircut or a handsome?"

Austin: "Corbin's hair is brown."
Lilly: "Sophie's hair is black."
Austin: "My hair is, um, my hair is messed up!"
Lilly: "No it's not!"
Austin: "Yes it is!"
Lilly: "No! You hair is handsome!"

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