Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ah Children...

Lilly (to Dustin and Austin out of nowhere): "You boys are awesome."

Me: "Are either of you poopy?  I smell something and really hope you didn't do that in your underwear."
Lilly: "No."
Austin: "No. Maybe you poopy Mommy."

Upon entering Austin's room while relieving him of his time-out term:
Me: "Did you pull those blinds all the way up like that?"
Austin: "No."
Me: "Then who did?"
Austin (flashing a quick, sweet smile): "I not do it again."

Lilly: "I need to cut my bangs."

Lilly: "Don't worry about it!"

Upon returning from a trip to the restroom with Grandpa (who's name shall remain anonymous):
Austin: "I pinched a loaf."

1 comment:

B. Anna said...

Lol, children are a riot! When my boy was three years old, he used to always say, "Talk about it", instead of, "Tell me about it". I love kids, they truly are a dose of sunshine in this world. Thanks for the smile!